If you're like me, this is the busiest, craziest month of the year. Families are getting together. Offices are having staff parties. The kids have programs and concerts at school. There's shopping to do and presents to make.
I speak from experience when I say that endometriosis can make any of these things nearly impossible to do. It's the "private pain" that some women have to deal with every few weeks, and in order to get any relief at all, some have to take enough painkillers that THAT makes it hard to function.
That's why it was so important to me to participate in this month's Digi Blog Train List theme of Endometriosis Awareness. Actually, when I was finally able to find a gynecologist who would convince my insurance to let me have a hysterectomy, it was discovered that I had adenomyosis - or as I call it, endo's uglier, nastier big sister.
If you have painful periods, please educate yourself about endometriosis and adenomyosis. You may not need to live with the pain every month.
I speak from experience when I say that endometriosis can make any of these things nearly impossible to do. It's the "private pain" that some women have to deal with every few weeks, and in order to get any relief at all, some have to take enough painkillers that THAT makes it hard to function.
That's why it was so important to me to participate in this month's Digi Blog Train List theme of Endometriosis Awareness. Actually, when I was finally able to find a gynecologist who would convince my insurance to let me have a hysterectomy, it was discovered that I had adenomyosis - or as I call it, endo's uglier, nastier big sister.
If you have painful periods, please educate yourself about endometriosis and adenomyosis. You may not need to live with the pain every month.

this month because of hectic holiday schedules, but we still have a great collection of goodies for you. Stop by the following (and be sure to leave a little extra love when you pick up your freebies):
Nellie Bell Sunique Boutique
Dea’s Design
Dreamn4Ever Designs
DigiJen Scraps <-- You are here
Shuckclod’s Stuff
DBTL FB Page (click picture, SHOP NOW)
And here's my part. A lot of these can be used for general encouragement layouts.
Have a great holiday season. Hug the ones you love. Enjoy the season. And I'll see you back here next time.